I don’t know if I can watch this – it’s supposed to be a science fiction movie, but it ‘reads’ like a stage play. The English is a bit formal. Other than that, this was filmed in 2001/2002. They believe that NASA is still around, and a Mars mission would be headed by the United […]
on a nostalgia trip watching Back To The Future II. It’s 2015, and the first thing I see as he walks around the corner is a phone booth. Guess they are in an alternate universe where cell phones never happened … Of course, if the courthouse scene is any indication, they still make drama glass. […]
Saturday, October 9, 2010
And gruel. I’ve been paying attention to food in movies lately. Food pillsin The Fifth Element, unappealing gruel in The Matrix, Red Delicious apples in STNG. I think it started when I streamed Pillars of The Earth. Very vivid, detailed, although edited unmercifully for television. Fresh food all the time. Even in the dead of […]